Marshall Sterling

Become a Marshall Sterling Shareholder

Invest in Marshall Sterling via Private Equity or Private Credit

Become a shareholder in our organisation

Becoming a shareholder in our company doesn’t just mean owning equity in Marshall Sterling Investment Management. It means investing in a financial services institution that not only strives to increase your personal and family wealth, provides privileged access to special products and services. It means your playing a crucial role in helping us become a leading global financial services institution that delivers positive change to people’s lives, businesses and the environment. 

Marshall Sterling provides a broad range of financial services with an ever increasing focus on supporting initiatives that create jobs, incentivises sustainable practices and develops disruptive technologies. 

Find out about the practical benefits of becoming a shareholder in our business, obtain information about how to buy shares, and the various other forms of investment available.

In order to buy Marshall Sterling shares, please use the form below to notify us of your interest and request more information.
A member of our team will contact you with more information.

Express your interest in owning shares in Marshall Sterling Investment Management and benefiting from a wide range of privileges.