The Marshall Sterling Equity Value Model Portfolio
How does 25% return over the past 12 months sound?*1
100% investment in shares with a UK-based, FCA-authorised firm.
No lock-in periods and real-time access to your money.
Our equity Value portfolio is designed to outperform major benchmarks like the FTSE, giving you full access and flexibility with your funds.
This portfolio is exclusively for professional investors, including:
If you would prefer a little more information before booking a call or online meeting with us, please use the form below.
*1 Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Capital at Risk.
The information on this page is provided in good faith at the time of publication, yet no guarantees are made in respect of it being current and accurate.
Returns set out above are gross of fees. Marshall Sterling Investment Management is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FRN 646917. Please view the following policies here:
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